Thursday, July 10, 2014

New Blog

I will no longer be posting here because I've moved to my own website!
Please come follow me at !
I look forward to seeing you comments, pins and follows there!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Moving On Up

I have a big blog bomb to drop and I've been putting it off until I was "ready".
I've moved "Love The Tompkins" to it's own website.
This might not seem like such a huge to deal to everyone else but it's been such a huge undertaking these past few weeks. it entails so much and has been so confusing at times, buying a domain, buying hosting, figuring our my layout and navigation, and then there is the transferring of material.
I started with the home tours and the most popular posts but to be honest I haven't even made a dent in it.
I'm really excited to have my own domain that will be so much easier for readers to find my blog and navigate it, however I'm sad that our time here on the blogspot is coming to an end.
I do want to say that I am truly truly grateful for all of the readers, comments, followers and pins that have helped my blog grow. You all have been so encouraging and I hope so much that you will come over to and follow us there!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Tab.

Here's a fun fact about me: I've never made a New Year's resolution. WHAT??!! 
Yeah, I know.
And this year is no different, no resolution.
However I have made a few changes to the organization of my blog to make your navigation a little easier. Yeah, I did that just for you ;)

There is now a menu tab specifically for our home tour. 
This includes our "Before Home Tour" and our "Christmas Home tour", both of the pictures are clickable links so you can navigate whichever home tour you choose.
Who knows, I may put up an "In Progress" home tour shortly. Although, that might come with a disclaimer and a warning so people won't get judge-y (not that you would). 
 Happy New Year!

Home Tour.